How To Speed Up Your Blog

How To Speed Up Your Blog


Have you ever wonder How To Speed Up Your Blog? Hopefully you are in the right place to start. Well we will cover this topic in this article. When developing a blog, one of the crucial part to ask yourself is how easy your blog to be accessible globally in term of speed. It is all about how fast your blog can be access globally and how long your blog can be loaded completely.

In this article we will cover about the speed on your blog and few simple things you should to do and should not do when developing a blog or websites. Perhaps for beginners those looking more simple and easy task to get closer into speed optimization for their websites. Let’s get started!

WordPress as One of The Best Blogging Platform

Before we deep further, we would like to highlight that we will discuss only for WordPress self host blogs or websites. And of course, we will explain as simple as we could to make beginners understand well.

Over the years, becoming one of the most popular blogging platform until today. The article about WordPress and Blogger also has been published in this blog as well. To get to know about both, you may read them here 

Know Your Largest Files in Hosting/Public HTML

Did you realize that the largest files stored in your webhosting every time you created/published a content is your photos/images file? Well this largest file stored in your webhosting is the most and the first biggest thing to increase your loading speed for your blog.

Hence, we need to make sure this image is well chosen and delete them if no longer required to store in your blog post. But wait, to make this happened easily, we will make use of some image optimizer plugins that we will share at the end of this article.

Why Your Blog Speed Is Important

Have you ever get angry when searching for an important information over the internet yet the connection was disconnected all of sudden? Or maybe when you are about to que to pay for groceries in supermarket but all the POS system at all the counters are offline in status?

Well, that will become nightmare for both parties. In our context, speed is matters for both users/readers and owner (blog/website owner).

Reduce Unnecessary Plugins

The first easy thing may helps to reduce loading speed of your website. Make sure you only use the plugins that you frequently used on daily basis or weekly basis for example Akistment plugins, SEO Plugins, Google Analytics, Cache Plugins and so on depending your blog/website functions and niche.

Below are the 5 essentials WordPress plugins you may use as per our recommendations:

  1. Yoast SEO
  2. WP Rocket
  3. Classic Editor
  4. Google Site Kit
  5. Akismet

Image Optimization

Most largest file hosted in your webhosting might be images. By optimizing the images will reduce your webhosting storage at the same.

Many tricks we found in other’s blog post that can helps to reduce the size of images so that your blog load faster. But there is one thing to ponder, when you reduce the size the quality of the images will followed the same doesn’t it? Hence we not recommend this trick.

There are also few image optimizer available to download and ready to use. Hence we recommend you to try this Smush Image Optimization WordPress plugin.


In this article we have explain the basic thing that influence you blog loading speed which is the photos/images that you upload to your blog that hosted in your web hosting indirectly.

Apart from images, there are some more files that may affect your loading speed for your blog that we will cover this in our next article.

To optimize images, there are some WordPress plugins that may help you to reduce the loading speed. Also we already mentioned about top 5 essentials WordPress plugins that should have to experience them by yourself. Some plugins we mentioned in this article included image optimization features that can reduce size without downgrade the quality of the images/photos uploaded in your blog or websites.

By admin

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