Dry Out An Idea To Write an Article? Try These

Dry Out An Idea To Write an Article? Try These


Are you Dry Out An Idea To Write an Article? Try These. Becoming a content creator nowadays are quite though. We are living the world that rapidly changing and technology evolves every single day. In the other hand, it is not an easy position to hold as a content creator wherever you work for, in a company or as a freelancer.  Sometimes it always happens where we dried out ideas to write articles.

As a SEO and Technical Writer, we will share to you to try few tricks on how to overcome this problem. Let’s get started.

Know your audience

Your audiences will be always becoming your target visitors. By knowing who is your targeted audience, this will ease to structure your niche. Hence your niche will becoming your main clue to what will you write for your blog and websites.

If you are responsible to write an article within specific niche, it will make your job easier. In order to know the targeted audience, it actually depends on your own goal. If it general since you are a personal blogger without any specific niche, then perhaps you can break it down to pieces. For examples, Foods, Sports, Gadgets, News and many more that are happening around you.

Learn basic SEO

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the basic fundamental thing when becoming content creator that writing in web portal like many blogging platform such as WordPress and Blogger. Or maybe Wix platform too!

In this article we will share you how to find the niche or articles segments to write on your blog based on the SEO and to gain organic traffic from search engines.

Learn to use Google Trend to find the latest trending articles

Google Trend  may help you to make it easier for you to find your idea on what to do and what to write on your website. Apart from giving you an option on what to write based on the top trending search on search engine in your country, this tool helps you to gain an organic traffics from the articles that you wrote based on the trending that you followed in Google Trend.

As you can see on the captured above, you may choose specific niche or just click on “or see what is trending now” when you landed on Google Trends homepage.

This tool is the best among the basic tools for SEO writing content for beginners that you won’t get charged for a buck!

Relax and have a cup of coffee

Once previous tips we mentioned in this article were done yet you feel that still hard to start a new article, or maybe you not really like to get in competition to win the article on search results, there you should go for a unique and fresh articles or content from your mind.

Considering to have a tea time with nature for 15 to 30 minutes may help you to recharge your mind perhaps mentally and physically. While relaxing, observe the surrounding and think about the big W questions. Who knows you will get an idea to begin the new unique article that comes fresh from your mind.

Me personally frequently do this when I was dying out an idea to write about general niche. General seems an easy topic for others but for me it was though enough since I am more concern about the quality of the articles that was written.

The moment when I observing my surrounding while having a cup of coffee in from of my laptop, both eyes were stuck on the old school wall clock that no longer function in my parent house. Then I got an idea to begin the article on wall clock based on my answer for big W questions I mentioned before. Who, Why and When?

This led me to write an article on the revolution of analogue wall clock from the beginning until the present day of digitization. This result contributed more than 1000 words on the articles about the revolution of analogue clock just in 1 hour! Perhaps you can do it better to make it less than an hour.

Remember why you start to write

Probably most of content creator for website, tiktok, instagram or facebook begins their content creator journey as a profession. Perhaps to secure the foods on your table. Hence always remember why you start to write to avoid you to raise a white flag to surrender.

Never give up!

For those who keep writing as their passion, might not too worried about since you write to live your life.

Don’t stop!


In this article we have covered what to ponder everytime you dried out ideas to start writing again in this article of Dry Out An Idea To Write an Article? Try These. As a content creator, as well as SEO and Technical Writer, of course we making money on it while writing SEO content. For me the most important is to always keep in my mind that I want to write to life my life and remember why you begin to write. Remember that and I am pretty sure that you will become more eager to write and read at the same time.

By admin

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