About Us

Hi, I am Mohd Hafiz Sueib, your passionate SEO and Technical Writer. This is my personal blog for SEO and blog writing tips from me. Perhaps, for my personal life too! Too short isn’t it? Well let me introduce a little bit about myself.

I start become a part time blogger since 2010 when I was 16 years old and become a web  content writer mostly for website at the same time. On top of that, I have experienced in Web Development using WordPress and Laravel too. My favorite languages should be HTML, CSS JavaScript and sometime Python.

Me and my team have created numerous websites for our clients since 2015. This including:

  1. Landing page
  2. Ecommerce
  3. Company Portfolio
  4. Personal blog/News Magazine

With almost 10 years experience in web development as a Freelance WordPress Full Stack Developer remotely, I still need to learn many things as many peoples do. As for me, learning while teaching others at the same time will improve us from what we are today, for a better tomorrow.

Hence, this personal blog is one of my medium to deliver and share my skills and knowledge pertaining WordPress, Blogging, Web Development to others. Perhaps to share my personal thoughts  as well. Congratulations! And thank you for taking the time to read this to the end.